아이티랩 - [영어명언] 조나단 윈터스_jonathan Winters

If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it!만일 당신이 타야 할 배가 들어오지 않는다면, 헤엄쳐 나가서 타세요!조나단 윈터스_jonathan Winters미국의 코미디언이자 성우You want many things out of life, and you know you're going to have to work to achieve them. Although it's easier to sit back and wait for opportunities to find you, the best ones come when you pursue them. How can you fo after what you really want? Start with a small, reachable goal. Think about how yan can reach it. Then do it. Once you've achieved taht goal, look for others.No one can stop you now........

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