아이티랩 - [영어명언] 래리 니벤_Larry Niven

Everything starts as somebody's daydream.모든 것은 누군가의 공상으로 시작됩니다.래리 니벤(Larry Niven)미국의 SF소설가, 공상과학 소설 최고 영예인 휴고상과 네뷸러상을 수상했다.Writer Mary Shelly daydreamed the story of Frankenstein. Thomas Edison onse said, "I never created anything, my dreams did." Have you ever "dreamed up" the answer to a question or a problem? Here's how to take a Daydream Trip: Relax. Breathe deeply. Imagine yourself floatiing off to your favorite place. Smell the smells, see the sights, hear the sounds. Let your thoughts go until they en.......

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