아이티랩 - 그날그날 UI디자인 & UX디자인 아이디어 2016. 10. 11.

그날그날 UI디자인 & UX디자인 아이디어 2016. 10. 11. iOS vs Android by Mariana Gomes TAGS android animation cards comparison interface ios reading space ui ux https://dribbble.com/marianagomes #01 | Sign Up | 30 days of ui challenge by Luciano Lucas I am a 26 years old Brazilian designer with 7 years of experience on UI/UX. Lately I have focused on mobile projects, making of my profession in my lifestyle. TAGS design first shot mobile principle sign up sketch ui ux https://dribbble.com/llucasn XXIII by Cory Duma + - TAGS palantir https://dribbble.com/coryduma Future Vision Clip by Claudio G.......

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