아이티랩 - [영어명언] 케이트 더글라스 위긴_Kate Douglas Wiggin

It does make a difference what you call things.당신이 사물을 어떻게 부르는지는 정말로 차이를 만듭니다.케이트 더글라스 위긴(Kate Douglas Wiggin)미국 아동문학 작가이자 유아 교육가, 많은 베스트셀러를 썼다."Sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me..."You probably learned that rhyme as a young child.Don't believe it.Names can hurt a lot. Children who are called "Fatty" or "Stupid" start believing those names are ture.Do you ever call yourself names? What kinds of names? Positive or negative?Helpful or hurtful?"막대기와 돌은.......

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