아이티랩 - TED 한글을 영어로! 영어를 한글로 - 성별결정:생각보다 더 복잡함

TED 한글을 영어로! 영어를 한글로 - 성별결정:생각보다 더 복잡함 안녕하세요. 오늘의 포스팅은 "Sex determination More complicated than you thought" 입니다. My wife is pregnant right now with our first child, and when people see her with her big baby bump, the first question people ask, almost without fail, is, "Is it a boy or is it a girl?" Mammals have a pair of sex chromosomes, one passed down from mom, and one from dad. A pair of X's gives us a girl, and an X and a Y together gives us a boy. Birds and some reptiles have their sex genetically determined, but instead of .......

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