아이티랩 - [영어명언] O.A.바티스타_O.A.Battista

An error doesn't become a mistake untill you refuse to correct it.잘못은 당신이 고치길 거부하지 않는 한, 실수가 되지는 않습니다.O.A.바티스타 (O.A.Battista)캐나다계 미국인 화학자이자, 과학과 신앙에 대한 솔직한 저서들로 유명하다.It was bound to happen. You probably saw it coming. Something you did or said has backfired, and now it seems like there's no way out. What can you do to make things right? Apologize? Start over? Ask for help? Sometimes all you can do is stand tall, admit your error, and get on with your life. A lot of times that's all people ask.그것은 일어.......

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